First of December 2022 marked 10 years since Michael Davoren and Chris Chapman took ownership of RE/MAX Australia.
Michael had joined RE/MAX as the managing director of the Australian network on the 1st of November 2011. Inside four months the CEO of RE/MAX Global and he were talking about his ownership of the Australian master franchise, which was to be finalised nine months later.
Michael and Chris also acquired RE/MAX New Zealand in 2012.
Chris had been a key member of the RE/MAX leadership team in New Zealand for six years prior, as financial controller and regional director, before becoming a co-owner and finance director of the NZ business in 2012. In 2019, the decision was made to transfer the RE/MAX New Zealand master franchise to local ownership in that country.
Major milestones through the first decade of their ownership include a full rebrand, hosting the Asia Pacific RE/MAX Conference on the Gold Coast in 2017, adding the financial arm of Pivotal Financial, the launch of RE/MAX Precinct and M1, the transfer of RE/MAX New Zealand, the acquisition of the West Australia region, which saw the merger of Western Australia’s RE/MAX offices with RE/MAX Australia unifying RE/MAX across the nation, and a national RE/MAX Roadshow that visited 13 different locations across four states.
RE/MAX Australia won a major global award, Asia Pacific Region of the Year, in 2017.
In 2022, Michael was celebrating his 50 years in real estate, a year that coincided with 25 years of RE/MAX in Australia.
A new RE/MAX hot air balloon was even added to the massive global fleet when RE/MAX Australia launched theirs on the Sunshine Coast.
The decade was a period of change and network growth, and the transition of a new leadership team.
Joel Davoren joined RE/MAX Australia corporate team in 2013 with a decade of real estate sales experience behind him and was named a director in August the following year.
Mid 2016, RE/MAX Australia attracted senior business director and Sydneysider, Josh Davoren, to the corporate team bringing expertise honed through senior marketing roles and high-end clients. Two years on, he joined Michael, Chris and Joel as a director.
In June 2020, Michael took up the role of RE/MAX Australia Board Chairman from a position of great strength and passionate advocacy for continual evolution of the real estate industry. Joel became the managing director, Chris retained the finance directorship and Josh became the operations director.
The directors led the network to embrace the Precinct platform, a key milestone in the network’s digital transformation, along with several sophisticated digital tools. Much of this occurred as RE/MAX Australia navigated the network through COVID-19, with the directors gaining the absolute respect, confidence, and admiration of the network.
With these amazing achievements behind them, they look forward to the growth of the network and the milestones they will tackle and put behind them for the next decade.
The work, effort, passion and commitment put into recreating what RE/MAX Australia stands for, what it provides and where it is headed has been huge
The real turn around for RE/MAX Australia has been a leadership team comprising Chris, Josh, Joel, Pivotal Financial director Matthew Andrews and Michael as chairman, supported by a very strong corporate team.
Michael and Chris took a leap of faith and started the network on an incredible journey ten years ago. Over the next ten years, the sky is the limit as the Australian network grows larger and stronger. They, and fellow directors, undoubtedly think bigger, for the benefit of all in the network
No other real estate brand matches RE/MAX’s global footprint. With more offices in more countries, selling more real estate than any other real estate brand, RE/MAX has unrivalled strength, magnitude, and tools in a global marketplace. RE/MAX Australia provides the essential tools, services and support to help its network members achieve their goals and build profitable businesses.